- 1/1/2025 - New NIH/NIGMS MIRA award to develop tools and models for alternative splicing characterization
- 1/2025 - We launched a new online Coursera course on Bioinformatics Methods for Transcriptomics
- 12/2024 - Collaborative study on transposon exonization in modulating immune response published in Cell (with Giulia Pasquesi and Chuong lab)
- 12/2024 - Collaborative study on multiomic analysis of breast ductal carcinoma in situ published in Breast Cancer Res (Umbricht lab)
- 11/2024 - Session moderator for 'Decoding Gene Expression Cis and Trans' at ASHG2024
- 10/2024 - Talk on detecting Alu exonization in the human genome with our deep learning model eXAlu, at the Aging and Longevity Conference (ALC2024), Berlin, Germany (virtual)
- 7/2024 - Talk on detecting Alu exonization in the human genome with our deep learning model eXAlu, at the 6th World's Aging and Rejuvenation Conference (ARC2024), Paris, France (virtual)
- 1/2024 - Manuscript describing our new tool eXAlu, for predicting exonization of Alu elements, is on bioRxiv
- 1/2024 - Manuscript describing MntJULiP and Jutils, our tools for differential splicing detection in the presence of covariates, is on bioRxiv
- 11/2023 - Poster on the MntJULiP and Jutils tools for discovery of differential splicing events in complex data with covariates at ASHG 2023 (with Edward Wui Wang Lui and Guangyu Yang)
- 10/2023 - Talk on our decades-long work on splice graph-based transcript reconstruction at the SorinFest: Phase Transitions conference honoring Sorin Istrail, at Brown University (YouTube)
- 7/2023 - Talk on differential splicing analysis of human data with MntJULiP at SPLICING2023, Caparica, Portugal
- 7/2023 - Collaborative paper on the transcriptomics of the interaction of B. burgdorferi and human dendritic cells (Mark Soloski's lab)
- 5/2023 - Talk on the Deep Learning model of Alu exonization at WMESA2023, Penn State University
- 4/2023 - Collaborative paper on a mouse model of Down syndrome (Roger Reeves' lab)
- 9/2022 - Paper describing our differential splicing detection tool MntJULiP appeared in Genome Biology (with Guangyu Yang and Sarven Sabunciyan)
- 5/2022 - Poster on Alu exonization prediction using a Deep Learning model, at the CSHL's Biology of Genomes Meeting (with Zitong He)
- 11/2021 - Poster on our Probabilistic Deep Learning model of alternative splicing, at the CSHL's (Virtual) Genome Informatics Meeting (with Guangyu Yang and Zitong He)
- 8/2021 - Our paper on Alubaster and Alu exonization events in frontal cortex is accepted in Frontiers Molecular Biosciences (with Kathy Burns, Lindsay Payer, Corina Antonescu and Guangyu Yang)
- 5/2021 - Jutils paper on alternative splicing visualization tools is accepted in Bioinformatics (with Guangyu Yang, Leslie Cope and Zitong He)
- 3/2021 - Zoom talk at University of Texas Southwestern, Department of Bioinformatics, Dallas, TX
- 12/2020 - Zoom talk at the California State University - Fullerton, Department of Mathematics, Fullerton, CA
- 12/2020 - Zoom talk and interview at OxfordGlobal’s NextGen Sequencing & Omics USA Congress on simultaneous multi-sample approaches
- 7/2020 - Zoom talk at the SPLICING2020 conference on our most recent differential splicing detection tool MntJULiP (with Guangyu Yang)
- 5/2020 - Posters on detection of Alu RNA insertions and differential splicing from RNA-seq data, at the CSHL's (Virtual) Biology of Genomes Meeting (with Guangyu Yang, Lindsay Payer and Kathy Burns)
- 9/2019 - We received an NIH R01 grant to design tools for analyzing massive collections of RNA-seq data
- 8/2019 - A collaborative paper on the molecular basis of telomere disorders (with Mary Armanios)
- 6/2019 - A collaborative study on the the gut microbiome changes in medical weight loss (with GIM's Jeanne Clark and Clare Lee)
- 12/2018 - A collaborative paper on alternative splicing in HNSCC (with Daria Gaykalova)
- 1/2018 - A collaborative paper on differential alternative splicing in cancer (with Elana Fertig)
- 8/2017 - A collaborative study on germline mutations in lung adenocarcinoma (with Mary Armanios)
- 6/2017 - A webinar I gave in connection with the upcoming Next Generation Sequencing and Single Cell Sequencing USA Congress
- 6/2017 - Connor Hogan (Viewpoint High School, CA) is joining us for the summer - welcome on board!
- 4/2017 - An interview I gave to Radio Romania Cultural (in Romanian)
- 4/2017 - Invited talk at the First Symposium on Translational Precision Oncology in Romania
- 10/2016 - Our JULiP paper on intron selection from multiple RNA-seq samples won the Best Paper Award at the ICCABS 2016 conference (with Guangyu Yang)
- 10/2016 - Improving genome assembly with RNA-seq - our Rascaf paper appears in The Plant Genome (with Li Song and Dhruv Shankar)
- 6/2016 - Yujing Xie (University of California Irvine) and Raymond Huffman (Manhasset High School, NY) are joining us for the summer - welcome on board!
- 6/2016 - Our CLASS2 software for transcript assembly and alternative splicing annotation from RNA-seq reads appears in NAR (with Li Song and Sarven Sabunciyan)
- 1/2016 - An interview I gave to Genetic Engineering News (GEN) on the occasion of the Next Generation Sequencing USA Congress
- 10/2015 - Accurate and efficient RNA-seq error correction with Rcorrector, with Li Song, in GigaScience
- 7/2015 - More functional validation for the role of our novel HCV viral miRNA in hepatocellular carcinoma (with Ajit Kumar)
- 5/2015 - Guangyu Yang (Clemson U) has joined the lab, and Dhruv Shankar (UNC) and Ankur Sundara (Nashua HS South) are joining us for the summer - welcome on board!
- 11/2014 - An error correction algorithm for next generation sequences, in Genome Biology (with Li Song and Ben Langmead).
- 8/2014 - We received NSF funding to extend our work on reconstructing alternative splicing variation from RNA-seq data (ABI-1356078)
- 8/2014 ...And a new NSF award to develop software to improve plant genome assembly and gene and transcript annotations (IOS-1339134)
- 7/2014 - An HCV virus-encoded small non-coding RNA modulates PTEN transport to the nucleus, in Infectious Agents and Cancer (with Ajit Kumar).
- 2/2014 - A review I wrote with Steven Salzberg on genome-guided transcript assembly methods has appeared in TCBB.
We have openings for doctoral and postdoctoral positions.